This year, as a senior student,
I have a spring break for myself.
From Wednesday to the next Tuesday.
On Friday, I went to Yangming Mountain with my boyfriend,
It is the season of Calla Lily(海芋).
It was a cloudy day in the city, but as we approaching into Bamboo Lake, where the Calla Lilies’ farms at, the weather was worse, it was raining, and freezing out there.
After we got off car, we walked around the fields and chose one farm to visit.
Calla Lilies are grown in water, so we changed into rain boots to go into the lily field.
It was really cold in the mountain, and was still raining, both of us were shivering in the field, and our hands were cold as ice, but it was so much fun pulling those flowers out from the ground.
Each of us gets 8 calla lilies back home. They are so pretty and so is this day.